Updated 6/30/2024

Is Your AC Not Blowing Cold Air?

As nearly 90% of all dwellings in the U.S. are equipped with air conditioning, more people are encountering temperature problems than ever. One of the most common issues that people deal with is that their AC doesn’t blow cold air when they expect it to.

If you’re finding this is your problem, you can do some AC unit troubleshooting before you call a specialist.

Here are five things to consider when this is your problem.

1. Check Your Thermostat

While you might think that your thermostat is set correctly, one of the most common reasons people experience issues is thermostats. Your air conditioner might be poorly calibrated, think it’s a few degrees cooler, and not want to go on.

Some window units can be set to “Auto,” which means they may blow all the time without helping with the temperature.

See if you can reset your thermostat. You might have to consult the instruction manual or call your service provider if you have a digital system. If you have a dial instead, check if the cap aligns correctly with the inside section.

Be sure to be patient with your system. It takes a few minutes before you can feel cool air, so if your system has only been on for a few minutes, it might not be properly cool yet. Feel around the vents to see that the air temperature hasn’t changed.

2. Are You Changing Your Filters?

One reason you might not get the air you expect is a clogged furnace filter. Air filters need to be cleaned or replaced regularly.

Air filters collect all kinds of dust and debris and can blow inefficiently when covered with dust. That dust can become a blanket between your vents and your ducts.

Since clogged filters restrict airflow, you might not just have a problem with cold air. You might notice little to no airflow coming through at all. You might also notice that you’re suffering from more dust than usual and feeling stuffy inside your house.

If you haven’t checked your air filter in 30 days or more, do so. If you have disposable filters, you’ll need to change them every couple of months or more, depending on your environment. Homes in dry places might deal with more dust than other homes.

3. A Dirty Condenser Is an Issue

If you have an outdoor condenser, it needs to be maintained on a regular basis. As dust and debris clog the condenser, it’s going to slow the work of your condenser down and disrupt the process. You need to have it maintained at least once or twice every year.

Your air conditioner is going to work a lot harder to get air into the system and cool it when the condenser is having issues. You’ll have the same kind of issues you suffer as when you have a clogged filter.

Cleaning your condenser can be done fairly easily. Your main concern is to not bend or break anything. You also need to shut it off so that it doesn’t end up switching on during cleaning.

Use soap and water to clean the dirt off the exterior of the condenser. If you have a hose, use it with moderate pressure.

You can get weatherproof covers to protect your condenser when it’s not in use. Make sure that you keep the space around your condenser clear from trees, branches, weeds, and any kind of overgrowth.

4. Beware of Refrigerant Leakage

The refrigerant in your unit is the substance that’s cycled inside of your air conditioner to keep the temperature cool. When there’s a leak in the refrigerant, there won’t be enough of the substance to absorb the heat in the air. This means that you’ll notice a decrease in cool air, as there’s not enough of the substance to circulate.

The substance otherwise never needs to be replenished throughout the life of your air conditioner.

If you hear a hissing noise while the air conditioner runs, that’s a sign of a refrigerant leak. If you notice an icy buildup on the outside, that’s another way to know that you’re dealing with refrigerant leakage.

It may continue to blow cold air but take way too long to cool your home. When you find a leak or suspect that you have one, you need to stop using the unit right away. You could end up inhaling dangerous chemicals.

5. Size Matters

When a unit is too big or too small, you could end up with some problems.

For a large home, you’ll need a larger unit. When it’s too small, it might run all of the time and never give you what you’re looking for. It might never get to the temperature goal that you set for it.

You’ll hear air, but it’ll never feel cold enough.

If it’s too big, you’re going to pay too much to get the temperature you’re looking for. Every time it clicks on, it might overshoot the temperature that you’re aiming for. That could end up costing you money and leaving you in discomfort as you try to get to that ideal temperature.

What to Do When Your AC Doesn’t Blow Cold Air

When your AC doesn’t blow cold air, you might want to throw up your hands and scream. Before you do that, why not call an AC contractor to help. We’ll be here for you when you need us.

If energy efficiency matters to you, you may want to check out our guide for some tips.