There’s no denying the fact that a well-cared-for toilet can last you up to 50 years. However, most homeowners opt for upgrading their toilets around the 20- to 25-year mark. Let’s discuss some of the most common reasons that you may want to consider upgrading an old toilet in your Stroudsburg, PA home.
Poor Aesthetics
One reason that people upgrade their older toilets is because they’re no longer aesthetically pleasing. It was commonplace for toilets to come in odd colors like pale blues and pinks at one time. These colors typically don’t match the modern-day bathroom color combinations and can look very much out of place. Additionally, older toilets take on more of a blocky style as compared to modern-day toilets that have a sleeker and more minimal look.
Reduce Water Usage
Many homeowners are surprised to learn that the federal government enacted the Energy Policy Act to help reduce the amount of water that a toilet can use. This act went into place in 1994 and required all toilets to have a maximum flushing volume of 1.6 gallons per flush. Before this act went into place, most toilets were using anywhere between 3.5 and 5 gallons per flush. Looking at these numbers, it’s no surprise that modern-day toilets are going to use much less water than aged toilets.
Frequent Repairs
A toilet is one of those household plumbing fixtures that shouldn’t need a whole lot of repairs over its lifetime. If you notice that the internal components of your toilet are starting to fail more frequently, it could be a sign that it’s time to upgrade to a new toilet. Many times, newer flushing components don’t always fit in existing toilets. This can not only make it more challenging to find the appropriate parts for your older toilet, but you’ll likely find that they’re typically more expensive too.
You Want a Self-Cleaning Toilet
One of the most innovative features of some newer toilets is that they come along with self-cleaning technology. This includes enhanced bowl designs and specialized glazing to make toilets easier to clean. Other features include areas for specifically designed cleaning agents to be added. There are many great features that can make your toilet more maintenance-free.
You Want a Taller Toilet
If you’ve ever gone to the restroom in a convenience store, you may notice that the toilet seems to sit lower than you’re used to. Toilets tend to come in all different heights, with around 15 inches being the typical standard. However, having a taller toilet can be very useful for those who don’t want to bend down as far. You can get a toilet that is called a comfort height toilet that ranges between 17 and 19 inches in height.
Visible Scratching
There’s no denying the fact that your toilets get a lot of use throughout the day. Unfortunately, when they encounter other materials, they can become easily scratched. Scratches not only affect the aesthetic appeal of your toilet but can also leave it more susceptible to cracking. No one wants to deal with a cracking toilet as it can cause water damage. You’re typically better off replacing a toilet that has multiple scratches before it develops cracks.
Mineral Buildup
If you’re one of the 80% of households throughout the nation that have hard water, you can expect the longevity of your toilets to be decreased. This comes down to the fact that mineral sediments will build up on the surfaces where water encounters your toilet. Over time, these buildups will get bigger and bigger and start reducing the flow of water through your toilet. While this mineral buildup can be removed in areas where it’s visible, it’s quite challenging to try to remove it in areas where it’s difficult to get to. Eventually, that mineral buildup is going to progress in those hidden areas and restrict the ability of water to flow completely through your toilet.
Expert Toilet Installation Service
R.J. Groner Inc. offers expert toilet repair or installation service to homeowners throughout the whole Stroudsburg community. We can help with all your heating, air conditioning, ductless mini-split, indoor air quality, commercial HVAC, plumbing, duct cleaning, duct sealing, thermostat, zoning, and radiant floor heating needs. Simply contact our office today to schedule your next service consultation with one of our knowledgeable plumbing professionals.